Truman Week

Rotation Sessions

Consent and Non-discrimination: Institutional Compliance Office Overview

What is consent, and how can it be communicated? What is Title IX? What is a Title IX Coordinator? This session will answer these questions by providing an overview of the University’s antidiscrimination policies, including the University’s affirmative consent policy, and the rights and resources available to Truman students.

First-Year College Students – Designing Your Truman Life

In this session, you’ll learn how to make a smooth transition to your new role as a Truman student. You’ll also learn about strategies for designing a meaningful Truman life that makes a difference.

Transfer Students – Setting You Up For Success
Meet current students who transferred to Truman and hear directly from them about their experiences with transferring, getting involved, working on campus, and planning to graduate on time.

Shade-Tree Time 

  • Commuter students: Shade-tree conversations will focus on the importance of getting connected on campus and with other Truman students.
  • On-campus residents: Shade-tree conversations will focus on setting expectations for your community to agree upon and live together.

The Beginnings of Belonging
This interactive session will allow students to get to know their cohort, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and learn the first few steps of being active participants in creating a space of belonging for themselves and the peers around them.